He didn't like it so much after all, but only because of the sand.

Other news
Leah was having some continued cloudiness with her vision that her doctor recently remedied. Her eye was operated on to clear this, as well as some scar tissue. The doctor was pleased with the work he did and said she looks great, so she's on the recovery path once again administering an eye drop regime frequently throughout the day. Her vision should be restored to normal and we are astonished she's been able to turn around like she has! It really goes to show you how good doctors help with your success.
We'll enjoy some of these oysters we harvested over dinner at her house on Monday!
Patty and Dave are enjoying retirement and have been busying themselves every day. Their highly-anticipated visit to Arizona is only days away now. They'll leave on February 25 and return March 11.
Lastly, the economy. What a downer it has been, right? Lay-offs are all over the news, in fact, our employer will be doing some as well. Anticipating "who will go" and whatnot has been stressful for folks. We just keep our noses to the grindstone and try not to let it get to us. Morale is at an all-time low and I'm certain this is not any different where you may work. We hope this surge in unemployment and weakening in the financial industry recovers soon. We're hanging on as much as we can and hope we won't have news to the effect that one of us has been "let go." Here's to keeping our fingers crossed!