Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween... the new Christmas?

Number of Trick-or-Treaters at home: 77 kids

Over the years, I've observed how celebrated Halloween is, and it's quite interesting. Today, it seems more money is spent on decorations than ever before and the neighbors really get into it. From blown up caricatures and lighted ornaments — to dressing up and staying outside to greet the trick-or-treaters — it's in a way, like a demented Christmas!

What fascinates me more is that in school, they can't refer to Halloween as Halloween, nor are the kids able to dress up like we did in school on Halloween day. They can participate in "crazy hat day" that takes place a week prior to Halloween and that's it. The "H" word is instead referred to as "harvest" or "Fall" in order to not offend folks who are Wican. Personally, I find it utterly ridiculous the time that is spent on being politically correct all the time. Enough is enough already. Perhaps this suppression is why adults these days go all out to play up Halloween at home? All in all, it's another "holiday" that's a big marketing opportunity for stores who sell the decorations, etc.

The slideshow (linked above) highlights my co-workers' kids, who showed up at the office to trick or treat around the building. The nighttime pictures in the slideshow are not great — but at the least, it will give you an idea of how spirited the neighbors are with it.

Next year I should be able to get better pictures with any light situation. Well that's my aim anyway!

Hope you all had a great Halloween too!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pictures from The Office (well not the show)...

Posted above is one of the pictures taken at Patty's retirement party. She retired from the school district after 30 years of dedicated service. Several recent and past colleagues turned out for the event, which was great. Connor loaded up on all the homemade baked goods (too many) that were brought, while the crowd laughed at the stories being told around the room of past antics that had taken place over the years. It was fun being a "fly on the wall" to hear all that had to be said about her.

On a different note, Patty needs all of your positive thoughts and prayers as she enters the hospital this coming week (11/3) in order to prepare for surgery. We want her to regain strength for the upcoming surgery so that she can recover fully and be pain-free. Thank you in advance!

The slideshow also contains some pictures colleagues in my office.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall. A season of color...

Note: There are no people in any of the photos in the slide show above, so if you're not interested in viewing it, it's okay, I'll understand. (c;

With my camera pack at the ready, I set off on a small adventure surrounded by Fall all around me on what was a picturesque, sunny Sunday. I wound up walking to a medical campus I've grown fond of for it's great landscaping and water features. I'm sure I looked weird taking pictures of a snail on the sidewalk, or grasshoppers, but I was in my own world at the time. I hope you've been enjoying Fall outside too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh, for the love of... minis!

Mom ordered a brand new Mini Cooper S, and photos captured the excitement as the car was unveiled at the dealership!

By ordering it, she was able to pick the color and options she wanted her car to have. Aunt Gayle and Carolynn were both there to share in the excitement, and even Jim stopped by for a short time too! This was, after all, was the first brand new car mom has ever bought, and it couldn't have been a cuter car to get! I love the color choice that she went with. It's sort of a golden silver (like a champagne) with a black top and black stripes on the hood.

Carolynn picked her new mini up a couple weeks prior and I would have taken pictures of its unveiling, but had other commitments. She ordered a red one with a white top.

Aaron, the salesman that they worked with was a really nice guy. He was so nice in fact, mom even brought him a gift—some of her homemade caramels; YUM!

These are downright fun cars, and it was such a treat to be there to join in on the excitement. Mom was just grinning ear to ear—I loved it! (c;

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A trip to the pumpkin patch...

It was a beautiful, sunny October day, and we ventured out to Buckley to visit a large farm popular for their pumpkin patch and a whole lot more we were surprised to learn. The Fall colors here are popping with the leaves and the pumpkins everywhere——it's definitely one of my favorite photo opps.

We met up with the Olson family -- Kevin, Monique, and their 3-year old twins, Andrew and Allesandra. I saw the twins last year for Halloween and I was surprised to see how much they've grown! I'm sure folks think the same thing of Connor though. (c;

Among the usual attractions of the pumpkin patch and corn maze, they also featured:

- Monster truck rides (see slideshow above for a picture of the truck)
- A live band
- Jumping pillow for the kids
- A large "mine shaft" slide
- Pig races
- An overhead goat track
- Pony rides, face painting and more...
- Fresh roasted corn, apple cider, funnel cakes, lemonade, hamburgers, hotdogs, kettle corn, caramel apples and more.

It was a nice day to get out and enjoy some sunshine and see the sights in the company of friends.