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Number of Trick-or-Treaters at home: 77 kids
Over the years, I've observed how celebrated Halloween is, and it's quite interesting. Today, it seems more money is spent on decorations than ever before and the neighbors really get into it. From blown up caricatures and lighted ornaments — to dressing up and staying outside to greet the trick-or-treaters — it's in a way, like a demented Christmas!
What fascinates me more is that in school, they can't refer to Halloween as Halloween, nor are the kids able to dress up like we did in school on Halloween day. They can participate in "crazy hat day" that takes place a week prior to Halloween and that's it. The "H" word is instead referred to as "harvest" or "Fall" in order to not offend folks who are Wican. Personally, I find it utterly ridiculous the time that is spent on being politically correct all the time. Enough is enough already. Perhaps this suppression is why adults these days go all out to play up Halloween at home? All in all, it's another "holiday" that's a big marketing opportunity for stores who sell the decorations, etc.
The slideshow (linked above) highlights my co-workers' kids, who showed up at the office to trick or treat around the building. The nighttime pictures in the slideshow are not great — but at the least, it will give you an idea of how spirited the neighbors are with it.
Next year I should be able to get better pictures with any light situation. Well that's my aim anyway!
Cool Obama pumpkins! ;)
Who is the cutie in the first picture? She is a real doll!
That is dear, sweet Ella Mayhew! Isn't she a doll? (c;
... oh, and the Obama pumpkins rocked!
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