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It's been a while since I've posted to the blog and with that, I've become a little rusty... I actually managed to forget some of my steps — hopefully, you can't tell the difference!
A little announcement
Before I dive in to our Spring break adventure, I thought I should announce how proud we are that Connor will be taking his science fair project to district! What this means is the school was impressed enough with his presentation of his project that they have moved him to compete in the district. We'll find out the results of this later this month. His project was on which fruits produce the most volts of electricity and tested it against a grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange.
Our Spring break
Like the past couple of years, we headed to the Oregon coast. Despite the lousy weather, we did manage to get out on a few hikes. The days we weren't able to really get out, we were lucky enough to have internet access, which saved us. We had sleet, rain, hail and lots of wind... to the degree that we did lose internet access for a day.
Heceta Head Lighthouse
We dedicated one day to a picturesque drive to Heceta, and visited their lighthouse. It was a gorgeous day and it's funny how easily our spirits were lifted by just some sunshine being out. Complete mood change, it was great! The ocean waters was like watching fireworks. Waves crashing in, making these huge displays of spray in the air; thick sea foam barreled into the shallower areas... looked just a consistency of thick, soapy lather. We hung out for quite a while just watching it. Mesmerizing!
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I think next year's Spring break will take us to a warmer, sunnier place. We'll plan to visit the Oregon coast in the summertime instead, so we'll have more cooperative weather.
We hope you've been enjoying your Spring! (c:
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