Sunday, June 21, 2009

Days to celebrate...

For my birthday, my wish was to share a nice steak dinner at home with family and it was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s ! Did you know my husband is the best griller? He can make the best steak, every time — No restaurant can top him!

It was a Father's Day celebration as well, and we enjoyed the company of Leah, Dave and Patty over wine and good conversation throughout the night.

With the steak (filet mignon - my fav!), we had baked potatoes with the works and steamed broccoli and of course, paired with our favorite cabernet sauvignon. I didn't want to go the usual birthday route with a cake, so I made homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert with a large dollop of freshly-made whipping cream. Heaven!

Hoping you had a great Father's Day with yours too!

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