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Happy Independence Day, all! We hope yours went safely and was fun. This was the first year in many that we've been in town. When I think back, the last time we were in town for the 4th was when Connor was a baby. Normally, we are up in Neah Bay at this time, however, we are off to a later start than usual, which was actually nice to be around here.
We were invited to a party by some good friends, The Eakins. We arrived with the grill ablaze cooking up hamburgers and hotdogs and a full spread of a variety of dishes others had prepared. Everything was delicious and the cold beer was great too!
The kids had a blow-up water slide to play on and it was quite tempting to be honest. As a child, the grandest our waterplay ever got was a sprinkler or a slip-n-slide in the yard. This water slide was awesome and the kids were having a ball. Later they broke out into a water fight with balloons and water guns, which then led to buckets of water and even the adults got into it -- it was pretty entertaining to watch!
The weather was perfect, although hot. It was 88° here and we were thankful for the strategic placement of the awnings outside. Sun set and we were then graced with a great variety of fireworks.
I learned something...
Fireworks are hard to photograph.
They're difficult to focus on.
I should have used a tripod.
I'll get better at this next time.
View the slideshow and you'll see the pictures taken from this fun-filled day.
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