Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's next around the corner?

I have a great friend at work, who's photogenic, fun and accommodating... a wonderful subject to capture on camera.

She knows I love shooting and would do it any chance I can take, and didn't mind one bit having me take shots of her. She's a 'feed your soul' kinda gal and I love this about her! Happy for the sake of it and open to everyone -- so dang refreshing! (c;

I've finished my composition and light course at a local community college. I, admittedly can't say I've learned a ton from it, but I went every week more for the opportunity to talk about my favorite subject of photography. It's hard when something like that ends, you want to keep the momentum going, so I've decided I'm going to try doing a series and already have one planned. Now I just need to firm up the dates and make it happen.

In May, I have an upcoming safari I'm looking forward to attending as well as a photographer's seminar that will keep my appetite for this going.

The weather is starting to turn around and I don't feel so much like a mushroom as I have. It's amazing what inspiration comes with just a little sunshine. It's really too bad that the sun is bad for you (skin-wise), because it does a world of difference with your outlook on things. I hope it sticks around for us for a long time -- we sure need it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some hockey in Kent

I was lucky enough to be invited to a hockey game by a friend who managed to score some tickets from her employer with some nice seats at the arena in Kent, WA.

As a train rider, the Kent station has an old, abandoned grain shack that has some interesting effects as it's remained neglected. Photography stuff, like peeling paint, moss, and even grass. It has fascinated me every time we've stopped there, I took advantage of the location to arrive early to fire off some shots of this location as well as some of the people at the nearby mall.

Sometimes, a camera can be a funny thing. I've learned it can have a tendency to draw people to you unnecessarily. This was the case for me on this day, and unfortunate because I really wanted to be invisible in order to get the most candid shots possible. I let the 30-45 minute conversation I had with a stranger, cause me to retreat from the location earlier than I had wished. I am definitely going to look at strategies to keep me shooting so I can avoid these situations in the future.

The game was great and I really enjoyed it. The people-watching was at a premium, so I was in my glory being there! I will need to attend some more sporting events with the family; it's an experience I think we need to have from time to time when we live in such a closed-in little world as we do.

While in celebration from the goals, I was standing up and accidentally let my camera lens hit the head of an fan below and in front of me, that was sitting down. I was so embarrassed! I learned my lesson there and will make sure to hang onto it at all times!

Today's the first day of Spring and I couldn't be happier for it's arrival! I hope we have an awesome season and Summer as well!

Until next time...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Trying to get back into the swing of things...

For my love of photography, I am going to school at night. I'm currently taking a composition and light class and had the first class this past week. I really enjoyed it! I'm hoping it will get me back in the field out shooting because I've been in somewhat of a block. Just not sure what to take shots of, etc.

The creative ideas started flowing with just attending one class, so that's a great start, right?

One of the things I'm going to start doing first off, is shooting in black and white. In my usual post shoot process, I convert photos I think would look good to black and white within Photoshop. That's going to be a thing of the past now. It should be fun to experiment with since I really like the look of black and white exposure.

As luck would have it though, this morning I was all amped to go shooting and had some good ideas in mind for capturing but the closer I got to my destination, the more and more it was raining. I attempted several times to find another location where I could find cover or where it wasn't raining and it was impossible.

... so I retreated back home. What a disappointing day! I will get out again though. I am certain of that!

Spring is coming, thankfully and I can't wait for the weather to warm up and start cooperating more. Hope you have been enjoying 2011 so far! (c;

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's been way too long, I know!

I've taken a sabbatical from blogging... I guess I needed a break. Part of it is because I'm not sure if anyone is even looking at this. If you are, I'm sorry for not keeping it updated with the latest! (c;

At any rate, we're still kicking and it's hard to believe it's almost March already. Yikes! The one positive thing about this is Spring will soon be here, because I certainly don't want my time flying by!

This past weekend, we went out to "the sticks" as they say. At the beginning of 2011, we bought ourselves a present: A permit to some great wilderness near Mount Rainier. We hadn't bought one since 2009 and realized we missed not being able to get out there. We are definitely taking advantage of it every possible way we can now.

As luck had it, the weather took a turn for the better. Albeit cold, it was clear and sunny so we loaded up the three dogs, bundled up and made our way out.

I'll try to get better about my motivation to blog more frequently. In the meantime, here's a quick list of what's occurred between the August post to current:

  • We've become dog owners... we went from a family of 3 to a family of 5! Two puppies and an old dog keep us company and our lives crazy.
  • Our jobs moved to Seattle and we've been managing the commute fine so far.
  • Brett's moved to a different role at work and is enjoying the challenge.
  • Connor's 12 now and almost as tall as me. He continues to enjoy playing video games with his friends, online.
  • I've continued my quest with photography at every opportunity possible. I would really like to have MORE opportunities to photograph people other than my immediate family members. Contact me if you're interested! (c;
P.S. Happy Birthday wishes to Patty, who's 65 today! We love you! (c;